Goda råd måste inte vara dyra

After working closely with board members and company managements in small and medium-sized companies for almost twenty years, we have gained an excellent insight into and understanding of the challenges companies faces in a listed environment.

One of our central beliefs is that we educate and guide our clients rather than exercise reactive control. By educating and advising our clients on regulatory compliance, information provision, financial reporting and stock market practice, we help our clients achieve better regulatory compliance and higher standards in their communication with the market.

We believe that there is room for a more modern and proactive role as a Certified Adviser with a high degree of availability for the client.

A role where we, as a Certified Adviser, act as a sounding board and discussion party, inform and educate in rule changes and review the client's information provision. We also believe that there is room to do so at a competitive price.

In short, we believe that good advice does not have to be expensive.

